søndag 4. juli 2010


Hi =)

Today I made some miniature cakes :)

I think it went pretty well:
Chocolate fruit cake.
Inspiration: The mini food blog

Marzipan and chocolate cake with strawberries and chocolate on top.
Inspiration: Vesper miniatures

Marzipan cake with sugar and kiwi.

Another chocolate fruit cake ;)
No special inspiration.

Chocolate cake with lemon and... chocolate... Stuff ;P
No special inspiration.

The secret behind my success is:

Fimo and canes :)

I have got a lot of cakes..
I think it's 32 of them..!

(I didn't make them all today)

Here is some of the finest:

The two in the back are purchased by my mom,
she won the Christmas cake.
I got the cute pink cheese cake from my mom's friend, Christel Jensen :)

This is some of the cakes I once made..

This one is pretty cool inside!

Cream.. ..Mint.. ..chocolate.. mmmm :)

Bye bye, see you soon <3

10 kommentarer:

  1. Hei Victoria
    Kakene dine ble jo kjempesøte. Skal si du har vært produktiv. Likte spesielt godt nr 1 og nr 4. Sporer er "pyntetalent" her;) Gleder meg til å treffe deg på søndag:)

  2. Tusen takk :D
    Gleder meg også til å treffe deg! =)

  3. Hi Victoria, your cakes look great!

  4. Hi Victoria, I'm roberta from Italy and I'm happy to be one of your followers!!!
    I mett your mom in Paris in June....a very special person, sweet and cute...as I think you are too!!!
    Your cakes are perfect, they look so real that I would like to eat they...congratulation!!!

  5. Thank you for being a follower! My mom told me about a very nice and sweet woman called Roberta =) I love the miniature you made for her!!

    xx Victoria

  6. Hi Victoria, I just found out from your mum that you have a blog - it looks very interesting. I love those cakes - will you make a cakeshop?

  7. Hehe =) Actually, I've got a cake shop already :) There will be pictures, but I'm not sure when..

    xx Victoria

  8. Heihei! Kjempe fin blogg! Har du kjøpt "the canes" fra Angie Scarr? Jeg har også sånne, de er kjempe kjekke. ;-D

    Ingerid, miniatyrer.blogg.no

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